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Sobre mí

My name is Irene. I studied Biology in Girona University. In order to get specialized in Marine Biology I did two internships. The first at Laguna University (Canary Islands) and the last at Universidade dos Açores (Açores Islands). I finish my studies and worked for some time in Açores as a Marine Biologist doing photoID in a whale watching boat. Before I studied biology I graducated in Communication, one of my interests is to create a link between science and public sphere throught communication strategies. So, in order to join my two academical backgrounds I took a cours in the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) especific for communication in natural reserves. When I decided to take my  master I moved to Copenhagen to the Technical University (DTU). My technical skills sharpened and I have my gradution as Eng. Master aquatic technology and science since 2019.


I am a marine biologist, so you will more easily  find me diving than hiking. I have always lived by  the sea. In fact, for the last 6 years my home has  been in different islands. From the warmth of the  Macaronesia to Scandinavia, stopping in Iceland. Somehow my career drove me to northern lands.  It was just last year that I saw coral reefs. I stayed in East Asia for 6 monts with the aim of exploring coral reefs. I end up in a remote island around Raja Ampat. The beauty of my daily life snorkeling through mangrooves and along the coral reefs was my soul-nursering. Isolation was overcome by engaging with the local community and because of years of training too.
I am also a creative person, I do theater and mime as a hobby. Performing I connect with the audience. Is fantastic what can happen when there are no words and there is just the present.
I am also a regular yoga trainer. I started it 5 years ago and I haven’t stop yet.

Check my blog and youtube channel to find out more about me!

Intereses científicos

Marine ecosystem builders are the based of my research. By studying its resilience and potential adaptation to disturbances such as fishing, bio-invasions or climate change it can be improved the efficiency of the long term management decisions aiming to preserve its ecological services and the profit we get from them




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