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About me

Born in Girona, I graduated in Biology with the University of Barcelona (2008) and then pursued an MSc in Ecology with the same University (2009). During my PhD (2009-2013) at the Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), I focused on understanding the interaction between the landscape, animal behaviour and disturbances in influencing ecosystem functioning of macrophyte communities.

I am currently a Sêr Cymru research fellow at Bangor University (Wales, UK), within the NRN-LCEE funded project RESILCOAST that aims at integrating ecosystem resilience into coastal planning. Through this project I collaborate with GAME to better understand the relationship between ecosystem persistence and carbon sequestration.


Nature photography, meteorology and hiking.

Scientific interests

I have strong interests in theoretical and experimental ecology. My research comprises 5 main areas: 1) biotic interactions, particularly herbivory, plant-animal and predator-prey interactions 2) landscape ecology, especially to understand the drivers of spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem processes 3) the effects of disturbances on plant and animal species 4) understanding ecosystem stability and alternative stable states 5) drivers and consequences of animal movement on ecosystem function.


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