The “Blue Carbon Trip” itinerant campaign takes a break until spring 2019

The “blue carbon trip”, one of the Life Blue Natura dissemination actions is taking a break until 2019 after its last event in the Seville Aquarium. This has represented the end of a very successfully year for the itinerant campaign which, so far, has visited the provinces of Huelva, Cádiz, Granada, Málaga and Seville, achieving its goal: raising awareness on the Andalusian blue carbon sinks concept and their essential role within the fight against climate change.
The participatory activities included in the itinerant campaign are being well-received by visitors and have revealed that, even though the concepts of blue carbon and mitigation are not widely known, the population and especially the scholar community are already familiar with the issue of climate change.
Until today, the exhibition has been visited by about 5.000 people on the different locations:
- Huelva. Odiel Marshes Visitor Center “Anastasio Serna”.
- Cádiz. Festival “Diverciencia Algeciras”.
- Málaga. “Foro Alborán” de Fuengirola.
- Granada. “Festival del Mar de La Herradura, Almuñécar”
- Sevilla. “SScience week” in the Seville Aquarium.
From spring 2019 new events will take place, such as the participation in the “Marine classroom” of the Almería University.
You belong to the scholar community and would like to get the materials and information on the project to work on it with your students?
Do not hesitate to visit the website and click on the results section, where we usually upload different materials available to download such as flyers, posters and the didactic activity for students.